Friday, August 20, 2021

Biden’s Continuing Lies. Duplicity, Ineptitude


Biden’s Continuing Lies. Duplicity, Ineptitude

 This incompetent fool just stands in front of the world, and reads bald face lies, lies, lies, from the teleprompter. Does Biden even know they’re lies?  He adamantly defends them, so he must think that they are true.

 Apparently, these obviously manufactured lies about Afghanistan are Susan Rice’s or Ron Klain’s wishful thinking for how things should be in Afghanistan, and not how they really are, as evidenced by the visual and audio record out of the country.

 One just has to wonder how the top echelon of this country, including the president, can be so wrong, so inept and so duplicitous, about our precipitous and ill-conceived exit from Afghanistan, leaving somewhere around 10-12,000 Americans behind, (they don’t know how many), leaving upwards of 80,000 Afghan allies behind, (again, they don’t know how many), and leaving billions of dollars worth of armaments to the Taliban, (they don’t know what, or its value).

 And does the American public believe these lies?  Why sure they do. Of course the left-wing’s ovine followers, believe.  Just look at the front pages of the nation’s major newspapers.  Virtually nary a peep about the disaster in Afghanistan that Biden and his minions caused, or of the tens of thousands of people scrambling to get out through one small airfield in Kabul.

 Some excerpts from an analysis of Biden’s reading from the teleprompter this afternoon.

 “During a press conference Friday, President Joe Biden made a number of erroneous claims regarding the botched American-conducted withdrawal from Afghanistan that left thousands of citizens of Western nations as well as Afghan allies scrambling to evacuate and flee the Taliban’s takeover.

 Chiefly, Biden asserted that America’s reputation on the world stage has not been damaged amid the foreign-policy snafu, despite outraged reactions from major political figures suggesting the contrary. He also falsely claimed that al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization that orchestrated the attacks on September 11, 2001, has totally disappeared from Afghanistan. And despite accounts proving otherwise, Biden rejected the notion that American nationals have been struggling to make it to the tarmac at the Kabul airport.”

 “The president’s statement comes after a number of members of the British Parliament condemned the United States’ haphazard departure from the country as “catastrophic” and “shameful,” with members uniting to “dishonor” the foreign-policy fiasco, the Telegraph reported.”

 “Norbert Roettgen, the chairman of the German parliament’s foreign-affairs committee, similarly denounced the U.S. exit, and suggested that transatlantic cooperation could deteriorate as a result of it.

 “Things haven’t just gone wrong — it’s a catastrophe,” Roettgen told reporters on Wednesday. “It’s a moral failure of the West — and the geopolitical consequences are still difficult to discern. It’s a breaking point.”

 During the press briefing, the U.S. commander in chief made the misinformed declaration that al-Qaeda is “gone” from Afghanistan. Pundits and foreign-policy scholars quickly debunked the claim, pointing to the operations of the Haqqani Network, which is closely allied and intertwined with al-Qaeda, in Kabul currently.”

 Ray Gruszecki
August 20, 2021


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