Thursday, August 19, 2021

Pfizer Covid Booster Shot


Pfizer Covid Booster Shot

 I got my Pfizer Covid booster shot yesterday.  How?  I filled out a form for an appointment at my local CVS drug store, and in fact I was there several hours before the appointment for another reason, and they administered a Covid booster shot, and the most recent flu shot, in the other arm, even though it was 4 hours prior to my appointment.

 Now, as I understand it the CDC rules yesterday, which it seems, change every day, was that people with immunodeficiencies, which I did not think I had any of, could get the shot.  Today’s rules seem to be to wait 8 months after the last vaccination, which was February 21 for me.

 Even though I did not seem to qualify under either of the above CDC dicta, I’m an old guy, and CVS gave me the booster shot anyway.  Maybe there was a rule I missed, or maybe the medical tech on duty at CVS figured everyone was going to get the booster eventually anyway, so why quibble?

 What will the booster shot do?  Like much about Covid, answers are confused.  Pfizer has made the following statement:- ”Meanwhile, people aged 65 to 85 saw an even more significant spike in antibodies after a third shot, giving them more than an 11-fold increase in antibodies compared to what they had following their second dose.”  CDC Has vacillated about the booster shots, first maintaining that two shots offered adequate protection, and then reluctantly recommending a booster shot to counter the rampant delta variant, and increasing breakthrough infections.

 I’m hoping for a significant increase in anti-bodies from the second shot.  That’s why I pursued this now.

 Ray Gruszecki
August 19, 2021

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