Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Worst Foreign Policy Disaster


Worst Foreign Policy Disaster

"It didn’t have to be this way. Biden could have maintained a U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan that kept the Taliban from taking over the country (they hadn’t even captured Kandahar as of about three weeks ago), or, failing that, he could have fashioned a minimally competent withdrawal that didn’t put us at the mercy of the Taliban. He did neither. He took an unsatisfactory stalemate and made it a complete rout. He botched our exit, materially harmed our national security, precipitated a humanitarian catastrophe, and betrayed our countrymen and allies.

He has not only made us less safe, he has dishonored us, and that can never be forgotten or forgiven."

 Biden is presumably going to speak later today about Afghanistan.  Expect him to take credit, and try to extract success for himself and his handlers, for the extraordinary job done by our military in evacuating 120,000 people out of Kabul since August 14.

 Unfortunately, our military’s performance is the only positive item in a long litany of stupidity and incompetence, in what has to be the worst foreign policy disaster in the history of the United States.

 These idiots in Washington, led by an intransigent, stubborn and arrogant Biden, pulled out all of our troops and air support first. and left thousands of Americans and Afghan allies, and $80 billion of military equipment, (and Bagram airport), behind.  Then they had to beg the terrorist Taliban that over-ran the country for permission to bring more troops in to evacuate our people.

 How anyone in their right mind could try to extract success from such an abysmal failure, is beyond belief.  If the sheep that voted for Biden just sit there and go ba---aaa, and accept his ”Grandpa Joe” Irish bullshit this time, it truly speaks to how indoctrinated to the socialist cause, half our electorate is.

 These articles say it all…



 Ray Gruszecki
August 31, 2021

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