Friday, August 20, 2021

How Many People? How Much Equipment?


How Many People? How Much Equipment?

 After Biden’s debacle that pulled our troops out of Afghanistan before our civilians and military equipment, and then had to send 5,000 troops back to “please, Taliban, let us get our people out, these unmitigated clowns of Biden’s “rock ‘n roll” state department and “woke” military still have no idea how many people they got out or how many are left that they need to get out.

 They also don’t have clue as to how much brand new, up to date military equipment these mavens of quartermaster logistics left to the Taliban, except that it’s “billions.  The old military term “cluster-f---k” hardly describes the magnitude of one of the most egregious foreign policy blunders ever perpetrated by U.S. politicians. 

 If it weren’t for the protection of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the biased left-wing media, it would surely be time to consider invoking the 25th amendment to remove a senile, incompetent, and barely functioning old political hack from the presidency.  Ain’t gonna happen, though, and This idiot and his Marxist backers will continue their ruinous predations on our country and its standing in the world.  


From the New York Post

“Pentagon press secretary John Kirby on Thursday admitted he “doesn’t know” how many Americans remain in Afghanistan as the Biden administration scrambles to evacuate American citizens and Afghans at risk of Taliban reprisals from the country.”


From “Task & Purpose” military tech news

“The Biden administration admitted on Tuesday that the Taliban had captured a significant amount of U.S. military equipment originally supplied to Afghan security forces during the militants’ blitzkrieg on Kabul in recent weeks — and the U.S. doesn’t know exactly how much American gear they’ve lost to terrorist hands.”

 Ray Gruszecki
August 20, 2021

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