Friday, August 13, 2021

The Biden Stains


The Biden Stains

 Bumbling Grandpa Joe and his amateurish administration are a stain on our country in more ways than one, by fouling up nearly everything that they touch.

 They are a stain on the integrity of our country, by effectively erasing our southern border, and allowing entry of illegal aliens, infected with Covid, and trafficking drugs, including fentanyl, and children and sex slaves, into the country.

 They are a stain on our democrat-run, crime ridden, cities, by having encouraged defunding the police, and “catch and release”, instead of prosecution for crimes.

 They are a stain on our liberty and freedom by their oligarchic rush toward a one-party, totalitarian government. 

 They are a stain on our educational system, by trying to inculcate our youth with Marxist principles and the racism implicit in “critical race theory” and “wokeness”. 

 They are a stain on our society by their promotion of political correctness, “wokeness” and cancel culture.

 The Biden crime family, and particularly Hunter Biden, glossed over by the biased media and big tech, are a stain on our one-sided system of justice.

 The biggest stain on our foreign policy is Biden’s precipitous withdrawal, in disgrace from Afghanistan, leaving the recently educated girls and women of that country to the predations of the repressive sixth century Taliban.

 Another stain is on our energy industry, which was independent of foreign oil before Biden, with Biden now begging OPEC to increase production and lower prices, after shutting down pipelines and exploration in the U.S.

 Then there is the stain of inflation caused by the profligate socialist spending of upwards of $6 trillion by the Biden Marxist government will haunt our country into the foreseeable future.

 Whether some of these stains can be mitigated by voting the Marxists out in 2022 is debatable.  Once in power, even by very slim margins, unscrupulous Marxist democrat operators have shown that they can affect a presidential election by flipping republican states like Georgia, and manipulating other swing states.  These Marxist operatives are Machiavellian and ruthless in their quest for totalitarian power.

Ray Gruszecki
August 12, 2021

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