Saturday, August 21, 2021

How Can We Change So Quickly?


How Can We Change So Quickly?

 How can my beloved country, in a few short months, go from a patriotic, respected, (if not entirely liked), member of the world community, to a disdained and disrespected shell of its former self?  Ask Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the myriad other leftists that are trying to convert this country into one-party, Marxist, totalitarian autocracy.  And who this past week, have perpetrated a monstrous, massive foreign disaster.

 Upwards of 10-12,000 Americans, and 80,000 Afghan allies have been stranded by the monumental stupidity of Biden and his handlers.  And what’s the upshot from Biden?  Nothing to see here, as the visual and audio record from Kabul belies his words.  Only reluctantly and apologetically, is our biased media forced to acknowledge what is happening in Afghanistan.  They can’t withhold the story or paper over it.  Too many smartphone cameras.

 How long did it take the democratically elected government of Germany to be overtaken by the Nazis in the 1930’s? Or Russia to be overtaken by the communists?  Well, a similar thing has happened here.

 From President Trump, who, for all his foibles, and in spite of continuing false charges of Russian collusion, unwarranted impeachments, and all manner of impediments, was a patriotic, America loving, flag hugging, pragmatic businessman who solved problems, and not just talked about them, we now have an empty shell and political hack of a president, run by Marxists, who are destroying the country and our standing in the world.

 Does anyone seriously believe that the barbaric, sixth century Taliban will allow the “infidels” to safely evacuate Afghanistan?  There are already reports of beatings of westerners and their allies, and one report of a man’s arms being cut off, and his wife and children killed, with the 10 year old child enslaved by these barbarians. 

 But the American couch potato sheep who follow the biased propaganda that constitutes our news, don’t want to hear of such things.  They want to believe kindly old “Grandpa Joe” when he says “all ok here, nothing to see”, particularly when he gets down and low, and whispers it.

 I sincerely hope and pray that our people get out. But the voice of experience and the cynic in me warns that beatings and torture and killings are likely, ending with a massive hostage situation which will dwarf the Iranian hostage crisis.  If Trump were running the show, first of all we wouldn’t be here, but if we were, I’m sure that he could get us out of this successfully, and with dignity.  I don’t hold much hope for that with these incompetent clowns that now form our government.

 There are calls for Biden to resign, or to invoke the 25th amendment because of his senility.  Who would replace him, “giggling Gertie”, who has shown herself to be almost as incompetent as poor old Joe?

 Upon pain of lightening striking me, I have to say that this is what we get for believing that Joe Biden came out of his basement as a winner in the 2020 presidential race.  There are too many, not only anecdotal, but also other unconstitutional and cyber-related events affecting the election of Biden to just let it pass.  But let it pass we have, and we excoriate Mike Lindell and others as some sorts of kooks for spending their own money to prove differently.

 Ray Gruszecki
August 21, 2021

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