Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Worse Than XXXXGate?


Worse Than XXXXGate?

 Just watching the “Bidenrats” scurrying around trying to blame others, and each other, for the unparalleled disaster in Afghanistan.  Upwards of 10,000 American citizens, and more than 80,000 Afghans who worked with the U.S. government, are trapped in Afghanistan, and are trying to get out.  And our vaunted “commander in chief”? - Why he talks about Covid booster shots, and doesn’t even mention the incredible mess that his government made in Afghanistan.

 Even the biased media, normally only concerned about what flavor ice cream old Grandpa Joe likes, are asking incisive questions, like, “how could this happen?”

 Allow me to comment from my own experience with our embassies and State Department. 

 There is an old American expatriate adage that says “If you’re a Yank and need help overseas, avoid the American embassy and consulates.  See the Canadians, or the Aussies, or the Brits.  The American embassy or consulate will mess you up.”

 A couple of examples.  After American citizens had been evacuated from Beirut after the 1967 Six-Day War, brilliant operatives from the American embassy, warned potential looters off by marking homes and apartments of U.S. citizens, with U.S. flags on the doors, and identifying the contents as belonging to Americans.

 When I personally visited the U.S. embassy in Beirut to obtain some information, they said, “Oh, we’ll need to keep your passport while you are here in Lebanon”.  I said something like “from my cold dead hands”.

 The American mavens of government were trying to do the same to a distraught young Lebanese-American wife with a U.S. passport.  I suggested that she keep it in her possession.

 Those of us who have lived extensively overseas find the American diplomatic bureaucracy to be quite obtuse and stupid. 

 Let’s hope that they’ve changed through the years and have attained some degree of competency, but after watching the diplomatic and military reps dissembling and trying to find excuses, and practically bowing to the Taliban rapid occupiers of Kabul and Afghanistan, I fear that we may end up with another Iranian hostage crisis, but magnified a thousand-fold.

 Is there just no end to Biden’s and his amateur socialist cabal’s perversion of our government?  It doesn’t even involve politics in the normal sense, any more.  It is layer upon layer of incompetence, accompanied by a blind, overbearing arrogance.

 Ray Gruszecki
August 18, 2021

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