Friday, August 27, 2021

Cryin’ Joe


Cryin’ Joe

 Here is our weak, mewling “president’, broken up over the 13 American marines and soldiers, and countless others, killed by a suicide bomber in Kabul yesterday.  Our sorrow is with you, Joe, and your sorrow would be more poignant and authentic if these deaths were not caused by your stupidity, incompetence, stubbornness and arrogance.

 What we have needed in Afghanistan, is not a leader who reads strong words from a teleprompter, tries to blame President Trump for it all, and then cries into his briefing book.  We need someone who has the knowledge and spine to do things right.

 No one denies that we should be phasing out of Afghanistan, that “graveyard of empires”, after 20 years, but certainly not by pulling out all troops first, leaving 100,000 people and billions of dollars- worth of equipment behind, and then begging the Taliban terrorists to go back in to save our people.

 To any but the most obtuse, it should have been all of our people and equipment out first, then our military, leaving some military in country, as in countless other locations around the world.  Also, we should have encouraged and supported contractor support for the Afghan Air Force, instead of denying this support.

 So, here we sit, five days away from an inflexible Taliban end-date, after which hundreds of Americans, and thousands of our Afghani allies will be stranded in a violent, repressive seventh century nightmare.  I’m sure we can expect to see our weak-kneed president shedding more tears for the Afghanistan that he and his handlers gave away to the Taliban, and making more appeals for sympathy for the tragedy of his son Beau’s death.


Ray Gruszecki
August 27, 2021

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