Friday, December 11, 2020

Alternates to Biased Big Tech Tools


Alternates to Biased Big Tech Tools

 This 2017 article is pretty much up to date in recommending alternatives to the biased big tech run web and social media tools that most people use these days, and which direct normal users in the direction that big tech wants them to go, usually to the left of anything political.. The article discusses the "Brave" web browser as an alternative to Mozilla, Edge or Firefox; "DuckDuckGo" as a search tool, rather than Google; ”Infogalactic” as a reference source instead of Wikipedia; “” as a Twitter alternative.  “Parler” is another Twitter alternative that has caught on recently.

 There are some Facebook look-alikes.  “Mewe” seems to be the biggest.  None have the massive following of Facebook.

 If someone is interested in escaping the exposure and bias of the big tech world when using the internet, use of the above tools in place of the more conventional ones will go a long way.  Also, an inexpensive and readily available VPN (Virtual Private Network) is an easy way of ensuring further privacy while on the web.  I use VyPrVPN, which served me well in China by bypassing their “Great Firewall of China”.  It works quite well here also.  Remember, though, a VPN bounces your connection to a VPN server and back, so it will slow down your perceived internet speed.

 Going further, anonymizers in the form of proxy servers, TOR, I2P and TAILS provide levels of privacy and confidentiality way beyond what conventional users need, and bordering on areas reserved for hackers, “peaceful demonstrators” and other activists.  “TAILS” is an interesting tool.  It’s Linux based, can be downloaded to a flash drive and using TOR, can be used to anonymously access anything out there, including the “deep” and “dark” webs.,the%20rest%20of%20the%20Internet.

Ray Gruszecki
November 27, 2020

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