Friday, December 11, 2020

Kenya Heroin


Kenya Heroin

 I have a special place in my heart and my memory for countries where I've lived in the past.  I'm saddened to learn that Kenya has become a major country for processing and transshipment of heroin, now that the Middle East has become too dangerous and complicated due to wars and border closings due to migration.

 The Netflix "Business of Drugs" documentary I just watched concentrated on the heroin trade in Nairobi and Mombasa.  I lived in Nairobi for about six months in 1978, and the oil refinery that I was concerned with in both 1967 and 1978 was in Mombasa.

 Kenya was a relatively stable, "semi democratic" country when I was there in 1978.  Jomo Kenyatta, the founder of independent Kenya, died in 1978, but Danial Arap Moi quickly assumed power and stabilized the country.  The tribalism associated with the Mau Mau uprisings of the 1950’s had been brought under control with independence, and the country was 1978.  Sadly, tribalism has re-emerged in Kenya, but that’s another story.

 There were no apparent hard drugs in Nairobi while I was there.  A good quality “bhang” or marijuana was available if one was so inclined.  But now, according to the Netflix documentary, Kenya is not only a hot bed of heroin traffic activity, the population is getting more and more addicted from the various cheap intermediate addictive drugs.  What a shame!

Ray Gruszecki
October 1, 2020

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