Sunday, December 20, 2020

Yes, Biden Won


Yes, Biden Won

 Most Trump backers are not going to like this, and I don’t either.

 Like many of the 74 million who voted for Donald Trump, I swallowed the Kool Aid being distributed by Trump’s legal efforts to discredit Joe Biden’s victory as illegal, and that Biden would be a illegitimate president.  Anecdotal evidence and eyewitness whistleblower affidavits supported this.  However, in nearly every instance, the courts, including SCOTUS, refused to hear Trump’s cases, or ruled against them.  One can believe that the democrats are crooked, but all of the courts in the country?  Clearly something was wrong, and it wasn’t just Biden’s incomprehensible win of the presidential election.

 I subscribe to “National Review”, which is the voice of responsible conservatism in the U.S. Founded by William F. Buckley in 1955, it has generally been a honest and fair commentator on politics from the conservative side.  I have to take heed, in spite of my contrary opinions, when National Review’s editor, Rich Lowry and well known former Assistant U.S. Attorney for SDNY, Andrew McCarthy and many others, consider the collective courts’ action as correct and proper, and the Trump forces; efforts as legally unfounded.

 So, I’ll hold my nose, and no longer consider Joe Biden an illegitimate president, just one I don’t like, based on politics that are anathema to me.  Here are excerpts from articles by Lowry and McCarthy of National Review, as well as links to the full articles.  As I’ve said, I’m not happy with the content of these articles by political and legal analysts that I respect.  However, I am honest enough to have to accept what these respected experts say.  This is the conservative National Review, after all.  Not the New York Times, Washington Post, or some other leftist rag.


Andy McCarthy, National Review

“The franchise epitomizes the political nature of the democratic process. Through it, we elect the political branches of government, which have that designation not because they engage in hardball tactics but because they are accountable to us. The federal judiciary is not. It is intentionally insulated in the expectation that (a) it will limit its intrusions on public life to controversies in which someone has suffered a concrete harm owing to an illegal act, and (b) it will decide the resulting cases based solely on the law, not public sentiment. Courts are thus anti-democratic. We expect them to tune out the will of the people, the opposite of governing in accordance with it.

 The last six weeks since the presidential election, then, have proceeded along the lines of an illusion: the notion that, in light of litigation in multiple states over voting procedures, ballot integrity, and tabulation processes (in which Team Trump stacked up loss upon loss), the Supreme Court would inevitably decide the winner. That was never going to happen.”


Lowry and Ponnuru, National Review

“Vote fraud is a serious offense against democracy and the law, and should be combated as such. But the Trump team and its allies have not been able to provide evidence of widespread illegal activity despite an intense, indeed fevered, search for it. While the rhetoric of Trump’s lawyers has emphasized a fraudulent, stolen election, the arguments in court typically haven’t been about alleged fraud at all. They have focused on changes in procedures prior to the election, disparities in how counties handled absentee ballots, and the distance Republican observers were kept from the counting — none of which has come close to supporting the drastic remedies Trump has sought.”

Ray Gruszecki
December 20, 2020

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