Friday, December 11, 2020

Pre-Election Polls


Pre-Election Polls

 If we believe the polls, Biden is ahead of Trump in the battleground states, and therefore should win the presidency.  This is somewhat contrary to the optics, which, like in 2016, show enthusiastic crowds backing Trump, and a lot of Trump signs out there.  He also is the incumbent, which counts for something.

 Running counter to all of this enthusiasm for Trump, is the mainstream media constantly disparaging everything he does.  For example, the anti-Trump reporting on a historical Middle East agreement, was to criticize the proximity of the crowd, and that they were not wearing masks.  With 90% of the media negating everything Trump does, it’s bound to have some impact on the most gullible voters.

 What is of most concern to the electorate is the corona virus pandemic.  Decreasing numbers and availability of vaccines will favor Trump’s re-election.  Another outbreak and delays in vaccine research, will work against Trump.

Obviously, if the economy continues to improve, it will help Trump.

 Then there are the Marxist inspired riots, arson and killing in our democratically run cities, that the Biden-Harris ticket is reluctant to completely condemn, for fear of losing their extreme Marxist left wing.  Law and order are of increasing concern as it becomes more evident that these riots are increasingly Marxist and anarchist inspired, rather than “peaceful protests” for racial or social justice.  A large part of the country, including normally anti-Trump suburban women, will hold their nose and vote for Trump and law and order.

 Now we add the appointment of a SCOTUS justice to the volatile political mix.  If McConnell has the numbers, there will not only be “gnashing of teeth” by the left, there will be increased violence in the streets by their minions.

 Further, we have the presidential debates, which should finally make evident Biden’s senility, or, conversely, elicit sympathy for him.

 And then there are the “October surprises”, which can’t fail to add even more abrasiveness to the election process.

 And finally, we have the issue of mail-in ballots, and the possibility that the election results may not be known until after the normal December deadlines.  We can all remember that SCOTUS needed to rule on the Florida ballot count in 2000 which gave Bush 43 the presidency.

Joe Biden is leading President Trump in most U.S. polls, country-wide, and in the battle-ground states.  Biden’s lead is diminishing, but he is still leading, even though his campaigning has been minimal and almost laughable.  Why is that?  The easy answers are, - he’s not Trump, and the mainstream media fawns over him as if he were the second coming.

 Joe Biden’s 47-year record in government is nothing of which to be proud.  He essentially has been a democrat party hack who has drifted in whatever direction the political winds were wafting.  Never really too bright, as evidenced from his actual college records, (as opposed to the ones in his imagination), Joe has exhibited several characteristics throughout his career.

 The first was to falsely build himself through lies, exaggerations and plagiarism.  These ranged from false claims about his scholastic prowess, to imagined war dangers he faced, to plagiarizing full speeches from a British MP.

 The second was Biden’s propensity to mis-speak on almost any subject, and his almost legendary proneness for gaffes. One great example is his recorded blackmail of the Ukrainian Government for one billion dollars in foreign aid if they don’t fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma, a company that was paying his son Hunter exorbitant fees as a “consultant”.  Typically, the mainstream media don’t report this when doing their puff-piece bios of Joe Biden.

 Joe Biden may be dumb as a post, but when it comes to enriching himself and his family, he is an absolute whiz at the game of “play for pay”.  Brother James and son Hunter are euphemistically known as “Biden Inc.”, and have been cashing in on Joe’s name for as long as he has been politically known.

 Joe Biden has represented himself as “middle class Joe”, to the voting public.  He and his current wife, Jill are worth $9 million, primarily, they say, from public speaking engagements and book royalties.  He also has elicited deserved sympathy from the death of his first wife and infant daughter in an automobile accident in 1972, and the death of his son beau from cancer in 2015.  In typical Biden fashion, he has not failed to take advantage of this sympathy.

 The democrat machine running Biden realize that they need both elements of the extreme left-wing radicals rioting in the streets, and more mainstream democrats.  Whether they can continue to appease both the almost Trotskyite anarchists of the extreme left on the one hand, and modern suburban women who mostly just hate Trump on the other hand, will continue to be a continuing and interesting exercise.

 Ray Gruszecki

September 20, 2020

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