Saturday, December 12, 2020

Stolen Election, Illegal Presidency, MAGAA


Stolen Election, Illegal Presidency, MAGAA

 The so-called “election” that took place in the early hours of the morning of November 4 in the major democrat-run cities of the swing states, was as illegal as anyone could possibly imagine.  Hundreds of thousands of illegal votes mysteriously found themselves in Biden’s totals.  Upwards of one thousand whistleblowers have signed affidavits, and myriad smartphone and other recordings have detailed some of this after-hours chicanery by the democrats.

 All to no avail.  Nearly all levels of the judicial system, including SCOTUS, have rejected the Trump forces’ accusations of illegality and fraud on “procedural” grounds.  The courts have ruled that either “the number of votes involved do not justify the case”, or the case suffers from bad timing or “laches”, or that “the plaintiff state(s) lack standing.”  And on, and on, and on.

Not to say that Rudy Giuliani, Susan Powell, Jenna Ellis and the other high powered Trump legal forces should stop their efforts to expose the voting illegalities.  If the democrats think that they can get away with it this time, they will only hone their effort for the upcoming Georgia senate run-off, and for future presidential elections.  We cannot let the illegal, unconstitutional, non-legislative, rule changes justified and excused by the pandemic, stand for further elections.  Else we bring back Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall and let the democrats truly take over the country. 

 In the meantime, the broadcast media and press continue their anti-Trump. “orange monster”, and “good old Joe” campaigns, in spite of the whistleblowers, and in spite of previously ignored, but now impossible to ignore, Biden family criminal complicity.  Kamala giggles and laughs uproariously, knowing that Joe’s time in office may be very short, indeed.  President Comrade Kamala?

 And the bulk of the Ovine American public, who cluelessly watches ABC or NBC or CBS or CNN, sits there and apparently is quite content to accept the propaganda that Biden, by sitting on his ass in his basement garnered 14-18 million more votes than Obama did in his two elections, and that the republicans gained 12 house seats and won nearly all of the state main elections, but lost the presidency to a nearly dormant candidate.  Even the most obtuse and partisan member of the herd of sheep has to see the inherent inconsistency and fallacy of Biden’s ersatz “win”.

 And so, we will be stuck with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their socialist and borderline communist government for the next four years, cozying up to the communist Chinese, (follow the money), the globalist, socialist Europeans, and to all the leftist proponents of “the new world order.”  At least until 2022, when even the “useful idiots” of the ovine American electorate will no doubt realize what the true impact of “democratic socialism”, or at best, "political hackery", is on their liberties and income, and elect a republican house and senate.

 And another point.  Donald Trump may leave the White House, but I don’t think that he is going away.  Nobody would blame him if he did, but I think that he will continue to be a “shadow president”, motivating the 75 million people that voted for him, to oppose the Biden-Harris cabal, and to prepare for his, or one of his extended family’s 2024 presidential campaign.  “Make America Great Again, Again”

Ray Gruszecki
December 12, 2020

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