Friday, December 11, 2020

Rule Changes in Swing States



Rule Changes in Swing States

 I believe that that the various rule changes rammed through before the election by biased swing state courts, rather than by state legislatures as defined in the federal constitution, have resulted in election abuses, illegal actions, fraud and ballot seeding, both manually and by voting hardware/software, such that massive numbers of illegal votes were awarded to Joe Biden.  I am assuming in this discussion that this massive number of federally constitutionally illegal votes against President Trump will not be overturned, that these illegal votes will stand, and that Joe Biden will be sworn in as our next president.

 About one third of the American electorate are die-hard, almost fanatic democrats that adhere to whatever party line is rife at any given time.  About one third are republicans, although this group does not seem as rigid or fanatical in its political beliefs as the democrats.  The one third in the middle, and in the swing or “battleground” states, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, and lately, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada, constitute the real power in our American elections.

I have no problem whatever with the almost religious adherents to either the right or left.  Their minds are not likely to change no matter what biased propaganda is thrown at them.  What I find egregious is the one third in the middle and in the swing states that has been convinced to vote against President Trump by the continued din of the biased leftist media, academia, big tech and Hollywood forces arrayed against him. 

Notwithstanding all of Trump’s positive accomplishments, including those for minorities and women, the continued media rhetoric and lies have convinced a good number of these voters in the middle that he is a racist and misogynist.  Assuming, as above, that the constitutionally illegal vote counts, notwithstanding the massive numbers of split ballots indicated by a gain of seats in the house coupled with a loss of the presidency, it seems that the media and other forces arrayed against him have succeeded in finally “getting Trump”.

It is truly a pity that the voters that count are so gullible and stupid, but that’s the way propaganda works.  If you hear the lies enough times, over and over, you begin to believe they are true.  If and when Biden is inaugurated, “truth will out”.  Forgetting even the socialist pressures from “the squad”, we can expect “Obama’s third term”, with all of the economic stagnation, international obsequiousness and cloying hypocrisy brought to us in the past by Obama, Biden and the regurgitated minions that Biden is in process of choosing for his government. 

Perhaps our voters in the middle will pay better attention, and be less gullible to the glib and lying tongued left in 2022 and 2024.  And particularly in 2024 when Trump campaigns for his second term.

Ray Gruszecki
November 25, 2020

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