Friday, December 11, 2020

Down to the Wire


Down to the Wire

 Down to the wire, and it’s the same old, same old, - the elitist Acela, and urban, and mainstream media, and Hollywood, and big social tech, and big money, - massed against the populist, flag hugging, bible and gun supporting, anti-abortion, wall-building, “orange ogre”.  And the sad thing is that in our country, which was founded on the enlightenment principles of liberty and freedom by our founders, people are too afraid of the Marxist Antifa and BLM mobs, to express honest open support in the polls for their real choices.  Only in the enthusiasm of the Trump rallies, in the pro-Trump signs across our outback, and in the privacy of the voting booth, are the real feelings of many Americans expressed.

 If the left had an active oratorial firebrand like Lincoln, or Huey Long, or even Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama, running for president, the socialist principles embedded in the platform of the democrats could probably be made more palatable.  What we have instead is worn-out, old, Joe Biden, never in his 47-year career a particularly bright politician, and plagued with past lies, plagiarisms, pay for play corruption, and now with onset senility.

 Obviously, the decision was taken by Biden’s handlers, to keep Joe in his basement as much as possible, while the mainstream propagandist media spread the “hate Trump” mantra, and blamed Trump for everything they thought wrong with the country, including the pandemic.  A typical lead-in from these extremely biased, pro-Biden people, - “under Trump’s watch, 230,000 Americans lost their lives”, - and on and on and on.

 And the “hate Trump” and “blame Trump” ploy seemed to be working, because the mainstream media polls said it was working.  And Joe hibernated in his basement, with maybe a double-masked excursion to a field near his house, or to a venue a few miles away in Delaware.

 In the meantime, Trump caught the virus.  Many leftists were ready to pound a stake through his heart of the Trump monster and declare Joe the president.  But no, wait, lo, and behold, 10 days later, he was fully recovered, non-communicable, and back holding massive rallies, which continue, rain or cold or wind or shine, sometimes 4 or 5 a day in several states.

 At about the same time, The New York Post brought to light Hunter Biden’s ”laptop from hell”, which contained details of the Biden family’s “play for pay activities with various foreign governments.  This was all confirmed by myriad emails, and by Tony Bobulinski, a businessman originally partnered with the Biden’s.

 In spite of the preponderance of evidence, big social media outlets (Twitter, Facebook), censored the NY Post story, and the Biden’s and the mainstream media dismissed the laptop and everything associated with it as “Russian disinformation”.  The truth is being disseminated by a few pro-truth and pro-Trump media outlets, but what a sad attack on our freedom of the press by the “hate-Trump” mainstream propagandists.  Americans who just watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and read the New York Times and Washington Post will just be exposed to yhe lies, and never know the truth.

 Well, at this point, some erudite mavens of democrat party, like James Carville and Michael Moore, looked at the mainstream media polls, and started making analogies to 2016.  Also, pollsters like Robert Cahaly of Trafalgar and Rasmussen tried to “dig out” the reluctant Trump supporters who would not respond honestly to “normal” mainstream media pollsters.  They showed Trump to be leading, or within the margin of error in the swing states where it counted.

 The left realized, “oh my God”, “it’s 2016 all over again.  We had better get Joe out of the basement, and start campaigning.  Which they did.  Joe is out there, lying, doing OK when reading from the teleprompter, but getting into trouble in any kind of extemporaneous exchange.  Biden’s “crowds” are circled for social distancing and seem to number 15-20 people indoors, or consist of “car rallies” of 20-30 cars with honking horns in response to his speech.  When Trump supporters have driven up and honked in derision, Joe has reverted to calling names like “chumps” and “junkies”. 

 Contrast these negative, “cold, dark winter”, “shut down the economy” gatherings with Trump’s rallies of 20,000 – 30,000 positive MAGA people in 4 or 5 venues every day, and tell me again how the “real” America will vote, in spite of the Acela and urban elitists, anti-Trump media, Hollywood, big social tech, and big money.  I just hope that he can bring the house and the senate with him, so that we have a “do something” congress.

Ray Gruszecki
October 31, 2020

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