Sunday, December 13, 2020

Secretary of Propaganda


Secretary of Propaganda

 Assuming that Joe Biden is inaugurated as president on January 20, 2021, rather than as “The Big Guy” federal convict head of the Biden crime family, Joe should create another cabinet level or policy council position as “Secretary of Propaganda”.  “Minister of Propaganda” was taken by Nazidom’s Josef Goebbels, who unfortunately is no longer available. Following Hitler’s suicide, Goebbels served as Chancellor of Germany for a single day before he and his wife, Magda Goebbels, poisoned their six children and took their own lives.

 Jeff Zucker of CNN or Rachel Maddow or Joe Scarborough of MSNBC would be excellent candidates.  Their continued biased reporting certainly are valid qualifications for the propaganda position.  The news bytes and chyrons of most mainstream media TV and cable outlets already seem pretty much coordinated.  A top level Biden position would bring a guiding top layer for the propaganda disseminated to the Ovine masses.

Ray Gruszecki
December 13, 2020



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