Friday, December 11, 2020

Just Before Election


Just Before Election

 Writing this the night before the November 3 election.

 Why are the shopkeepers across the country “plywooding” up their shops?

 Why are as many as 20-30,000 people waiting hours in Michigan and Wisconsin snow and cold to hear President Trump speak at a rally?

 Why are there Trump and MAGA signs all across our vast land, except in the Acela and urban areas?

 It’s not because the New York Times and CNN and the left-wing propagandists continue their dishonest, biased, vituperative attacks against Trump.

 It’s not because there is a fear that conservatives and libertarians will riot and destroy our infrastructure if Trump loses.

 No, this is because, in spite of the biased polls, in spite of the thunderous, massed, anti-Trump, mainstream media against him, the bulk of the American people feel the enthusiasm for Trump, and know in their hearts, that he stands a very good chance of winning the election, no matter what is massed against him and the American people who support him with such dedication.

 And they know that if Trump wins, which they consider likely, it will be the same Marxist Antifa and Marxist BLM radicals rioting in our streets, that were there all this summer using racial justice as an excuse.

 I don’t think that the bulk of the American electorate is gullible or stupid enough to accept the unending drone of the left-wing campaign whose main message all year has been “hate Trump” and “blame him for the corona virus and the Covid deaths”.

Ray Gruszecki
November 3, 2020

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