Friday, December 11, 2020




 Where are the champions of America’s whistleblowers? Are whistleblowers only held in high esteem, protected and considered sacrosanct when they are anti-Trump or anti-republican, administrative state, anonymous, leftist operatives?

 How about the myriad election worker whistleblowers who have signed affidavits and come forward to relate the abuses, irregularities and illegalities of the 2020 presidential election?  Are they to be dismissed as partisans or “right wing kooks”, even though some of these are honest democrats relating the ballot tampering and seeding that they saw?

 The biased media, big tech and their software, big business and Hollywood and their minions, have tried to obfuscate the election fraud and illegality.  “Nothing to see here, they say, as they deem Joe Biden president-elect with 15 million more votes than Obama ever got, and obtained by sitting on his ass in his basement for most of the campaign.  Believe that, and there is a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.

 “Sore loser”, “sour grapes”. “more Trumpisms”, was the nearly universal reaction to President Trump not conceding the election and embarking on proving that the election was illegal.  But the basis for Trump’s action resides in the U.S. Constitution –

  “ Article I, Section 4, Clause 1:

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.” Article II and the 12th amendment elaborate further.

 The point is that state legislatures are responsible for state election laws and rules, and for choosing electors.  The rules cobbled together by the swing states being disputed, that have mostly democrat governors and republican legislatures, were passed by left-leaning state courts, in violation of the U.S. Constitution.  Unfortunately, legal actions need to be heard by these same state courts, before moving up the legal chain to higher courts, and possibly to SCOTUS, and time is short.

 The state legislatures are also responsible for choosing the actual electors that vote for the president.  Another thrust of the Trump effort by Giuliani, Powell, Ellis and others seems to be to prove illegality and fraud during the election before the state legislatures, and eventually SCOTUS, and throwing the election to the congress, where each state has one vote, and where the republicans have a majority. According to Giuliani, the Trump forces have over 1000 whistleblower affidavits, in addition to numerous videos and other evidence to support their claims of election illegalities.

 The preponderance of the media propaganda, and the public opinion indoctrinated by this propaganda, is that Biden won the election, in spite of the obvious inconsistencies, illegalities, whistleblower testimony, affidavits, and other evidence. This has slowed the efforts of the Trump forces to the point that it may be too late to prevent the electors for voting for Biden.

 To any honest, unbiased citizen, it has to be apparent that these myriad witnessed observations of election fraud cannot just be “swept under the rug”, as if they didn’t exist.  If Biden’s illegal election cannot be overturned directly, at minimum, we need a special prosecutor to examine election fraud and illegal procedures in this election, with a view to ensure that future elections are not similarly tainted.  If we can spend three years and upwards of $40 million chasing democrat fairy tales about false Russian collusion, we should spend an appropriate effort to ensure the validity of our elections.

Ray Gruszecki
December 6, 2020

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