Friday, December 11, 2020

Major Cable Companies – Why Doesn’t He Concede?


Major Cable Companies – Why Doesn’t He Concede?

The major cable and broadcast networks have now declared that Joe Biden is the president elect, after giving Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes to Biden.  In the meantime, President Trump has not conceded, and continues his legal actions, in several swing states, claiming that he won the election if only legal votes are counted, and illegal votes identified and removed from the vote totals.  There will most likely be recounts and other legal actions in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and possibly several other states.

 Many people at this point are asking, “why doesn’t Trump just concede and end the rancor and division?”  A valid answer to this question has nothing to do with Trump or this particular election.  It is concerned with defining what constitutes legality when it comes to the voting process, and particularly to the legality of voting by mail.  The various states are all over the lot on this score, and particularly the democrat run states, who  just make up rules on the fly as the election progresses.  Some cohesion and precedent are necessary as guidance for future elections.

 Another concern is with inner city, election counters and officials in obviously corrupt pro democrat cities like Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia and others, inadequately vetting and qualifying the ballots that they are recording.  Depending on the venue, there is no valid way of knowing whether a ballot is from a dead person, from outside the state, or a duplicate.  Some mis-dated ballots have been corrected by the counters and included in the count.  Since many democrats hate Trump anyway, it is not too difficult to imagine such egregious bias in the counting.

 It is dubious that Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Jay Sekulow, and their legal teams can prevail for Trump’s re-election this time around.  But they may define what mail-in elections should look like in the future.  Trump is not going away, but he may have to “do a Grover Cleveland”, and be elected to a later second term in 2024.  He’ll be 78 then, but who knows?

Ray Gruszecki
November 7, 2020

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