Friday, December 11, 2020

News Withheld


News Withheld

 Important news is being withheld from the American electorate to turn the national vote to the democrat-socialist left.  The news suppression and censorship Imposed by the internet big tech companies and the anti-Trump mainstream media is comparable to communist China, the old communist Russia, and other repressive, totalitarian governments.  Where is our free press and our independent, unbiased reporters and news casters?  Non-existent, other than Fox, National Review, Wall Street Journal, and a few other still reputable outlets.

 And this is not just about the ridiculous claims by the controllers of the mainstream news, that the well documented and corroborated contents of the Hunter Biden laptop is nothing but “Russian disinformation”.  Even the most ardent Biden supporter has to have doubts about this.

 It goes a lot further.  How much positive have we seen in the national media about the recent massive 33%+ increase in GDP in the third quarter?

 How much, other than derogatory comments have we seen on the revolutionary Middle East peace and trade agreements, under the auspices of the Trump administration, between Israel, UAE, Bahrain, and just lately, Sudan?

 American deaths from the corona virus have unscrupulously formed the basis of the democrats’ main attack against Trump, neglecting all of his positive actions during the pandemic, and co-opting these actions as what they would do if elected.  More lying, obfuscation and plagiarism from the Biden forces.  News of effective therapeutics and rapid development, production and logistics planning for vaccines is muted by the anti-Trump internet and conventional media.

 The general American public’s eyes were opened during the debates, and during Trump’s myriad and massive rallies.  They were exposed to things they had never seen before on the networks or CNN or read in the New York Times and other left-oriented newspapers.  They flocked to Fox and other media that were covering the excitement of the Trump rallies, and trying to disseminate the truth about what is happening in our country.

 So, in spite of big media, and big tech, and big money efforts to suppress the news, its getting out anyway, and the duplicity and lies of the left are being exposed.  This is being reflected more and more in the tightening of the presidential and other races across the country.  Even with the massive suppression, “truth will out”.

Ray Gruszecki
October 31, 2020

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