Friday, December 11, 2020

Trump in the Rain


Trump in the Rain

 Watching a Trump rally in Pennsylvania with him speaking in the rain to one of his mega MAGA crowds, in his $2000 suit and his $300 silk tie, and I can’t help thinking, what an a—hole and buffoon this “entertainer in chief” is.

 Then I remember that this is “meat” for his base, and an inducement for others to realize how bad the democrats are by comparison, and for them to come over to the republicans. I also have to remember that three hours ago, he was in the Rose Garden doing his regular day job, introducing Amy Coney Barrett, and changing our Supreme Court for generations to come.

 While I’m remembering, a week ago, this “buffoon” signed a Middle East Treaty that included Israel, The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, and brokered another separate agreement between Serbia and Kosovo. We don’t even have to mention his two nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. Some a—hole and buffoon!

 The election campaign brings out “Reality Show Trump”. He’ll fly to venues in three different states, meet with a world leader or two, hold a press conference, and still watch “Fox and Friends” and tweet for a couple of hours.

 Contrast Joe Biden, who may venture into a field near his house in Delaware wearing a mask, or even go as far as Pennsylvania, taking no questions, or pre-screened powder puff questions using a teleprompter.

 One has to wonder where Trump gets the stamina for his 20-hour days, on the one hand, and whether Joe Biden can make through a normal 8-10 hour work day, on the other hand.

 And yet, according to the polls, Biden and his “do nothing” campaign is still leading Trump in states where it counts, and people like Mike Bloomberg are spending $100 million to buy Florida for the democrats

 It’s hard to imagine that our country is truly ready to adopt Bernie and AOC style Marxism/socialism as a form of government, and do away with the classical liberalism embodied by our founders in the Constitution, Bill of Rights and our federalist form of government.  Yet we see increasing support for Marxist and anarchic movements like “Black Lives Matter”, whose original civil rights message has been perverted by an insidious form of Trotskyism, and Antifa, a European communist inspired group, with both movements now consisting of violent street mobs that are destroying our cities.

 Voters across the country still favor Biden by some times, double digits.  Apparently, hatred of Trump has been magnified by the biased mainstream media beyond all proportion.  People believe the media lies and exaggerations that Trump mis-handled the corona virus pandemic and caused over 200,000 American deaths.  They still believe the myth that Trump is some sort of racist, even though his actions have helped minorities more than the vaunted Obama.

 No matter what Trump accomplishes, it is immediately denigrated or ignored by the mainstream media.  His speeches are mis-quoted, or taken out of context.  Of course, he does not help his own cause by his sometime raw tweets.

 One can only hope, that out of all of this, American voters are not that stupid or gullible to be taken it by the mainstream media vitriol against him, and can evaluate accomplishments, rather than the empty and dishonest election blather of his detractors.

Ray Gruszecki
September 26,2020

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