Monday, December 14, 2020

Trump’s Greatest Achievement


Trump’s Greatest Achievement

 Our arms, and the arms of millions of Americans, are ready to receive the Pfizer, and soon the Moderna, corona virus vaccines, just nine months after development of these vaccines began.  This is a signature accomplishment of President Donald Trump and his administration.  Trump’s accomplishments in his first four years dwarf most longer presidential terms, but the rapid availability of the corona virus vaccines has to stand out.  I say “first four years” because I believe that he, (or his principles) will be back. 

 In the long list of positive accomplishments by Trump, none ranks higher than his handling of the corona virus crisis.  Trump will have been responsible for saving up to a million American lives, and further millions of lives throughout the world by his fast-tracking of vaccine research, development and production.  Rather than a 3 or 4 year development cycle, under Trump’s leadership, we have millions of effective vaccine doses in literally nine months.  Even though he was illegally and unconstitutionally voted out of office in November, this is Trump’s singular greatest accomplishment.

 The biased media propagandists blamed Trump for not acting fast enough when the world first learned that this devasting killer virus had escaped Wuhan, China in early 2020.  Recall, though, that Trump closed travel to China on January 31, 2020, and to Europe, where the virus was rampant, a week or so later.  Trump played down the virus issue, so as not to panic the public, but the administration did founder for several weeks, until they got a clearer handle on what they were facing.  A lack of ventilators and protective equipment left by the Obama folks exacerbated the situation.


Once the problems around the corona virus crisis became defined, Trump acted decisively and within our federal system.  He brought in scientists and medical experts for guidance, activated private industry to develop therapeutics and vaccines, put Mike Pence in charge of the federal effort, developed “flatten the curve” guidelines (including temporarily shutting down the economy), and let the governors of the states implement the actual procedures.

 And all of this to the persistent, shrill din of the anti-Trump biased mainstream media propagandists, who criticized and denigrated everything he did.  The unscrupulous leftists even called it the Trump virus”, and accused him of being responsible for the deaths thousands of people. 

 Many just plain hated Donald Trump and conservatives in general.  Many drank the biased media propaganda Kool Aid, and believed that Trump is a racist and misogynist in spite of his good works for minorities and women. Many voters for Trump were disenfranchised by illegal dead, out of state, and plain false ballots.

 The net result is that Joe Biden, who is dumb as a post, who never had a creative thought in nearly 50 years in Washington, and who sat on his ass in his Delaware basement for most of the presidential campaign will most likely be inaugurated as the 46th president on January 20, with a claimed 15 million more votes than the sainted Barrack Obama ever got.  And he will bring back all of the corrupt, self-aggrandizing, America-hating minions of the Obama administration, plus some.

 Would Biden or Obama, or any of the “woke”, politically correct, culture cancelling leftists ever have led the effort to make millions of doses of vaccines available to the American public within nine months?  Hardly likely.  But Trump did, against all of the vituperative condemnation of the unprincipled leftist mob.  And if he doesn’t receive the Nobel Prize for his efforts for peace and stability in the Middle East, he certainly deserves it for his effort to save millions of lives by overseeing and fast-tracking the corona virus vaccines.

Ray Gruszecki
December 14, 2020

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