Friday, December 11, 2020

Nobel Prize for Trump?


Nobel Prize for Trump?

 Barrack Obama was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize after just two weeks in office, and received the award after eight and a half months in office.  Recollections of Obama’s foreign policy during this time are of a U.S. subservient to the United Nations, fearfully responding to Iran’s and North Korea’s threats and bluster, with Obama bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia during a visit to Riyadh.

 Quoting from the Nobel Committee’s nomination statement:

 “The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.”

 Contrast Obama’s really weak and poor foreign policy performance with President Trump’s pragmatic approach, not the least of which is resulting in peace and normal relations between Israel, the UAE, Bahrain, and potentially many other Arab countries.  Who deserves the Nobel Peace Prize based on foreign policy accomplishment?  A weak-kneed Obama, or a “deal from strength” Trump?

 If Obama had accomplished what Trump has just done in the Middle East, the democrats and their mainstream media propagandists would be ready to make Obama a saint, in addition to his Nobel Prize.  But since its Trump, the democrats denigrate his accomplishments, and the mainstream media says, “ho hum”, and stresses the election year hit pieces being proliferated against him.  “Quel dommage”, what a pity, expresses reaction to this rank unfairness as well as any other phrase.

 From what I gather, the Norwegian Nobel Committee is a bastion of European liberal thought, so Trump’s chance of getting the Nobel Peace Prize, no matter what his administration’s efforts for peace in the world, and particularly the Middle East, are not a given.  If it were Obama, or Biden, or another American liberal, they would be a shoo-in.  Trump, not so much. Again, “quel dommage”.

 Ray Gruszecki

September 14, 2020

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