Sunday, December 13, 2020

Churchill and Trump


Churchill and Trump

 Without the leadership of Winston Churchill during World War II, and particularly during the “Darkest Hour”, mid-1940 to mid-1941, when Britain stood alone in Europe against the Nazis, the war would have taken a different turn, England would have been known as “Großbritannien”, and the Brits would have been speaking German.

 All of that notwithstanding, in July, 1945, just after the end of the war, the British electorate dumped Churchill, and elected a Liberal government, who promptly chose Clement Atlee as Prime Minister. 

 As a kid living in a small New England town at the time, I was appalled.  Churchill, FDR, De Gaulle, and yes, even Stalin, were the heroes of the war that defeated Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo, the Nazis and Japanese imperialists.  And this was how British “democracy” treated Churchill, hero of the century?

 Donald Trump doesn’t have the stature of Churchill, the “old British lion”, but Trump is a similarly controversial leader, who took on China in trade, ended wars, instituted Middle East peace, and ensured availability of massive amounts of vaccines, within an unheard of nine months, to begin an end to the world-debilitating corona virus pandemic.  Of course, the British election in 1945 wasn’t illegal and stolen from Churchill.  A massive financial and propaganda effort, coupled with unconstitutional election rule changes and illegal processing of ballots in large, democrat run swing state cities, literally stole the election from Trump.

 Churchill was 71 in 1945, when he was replaced by Atlee.  Six years later, in 1951, at age 77, Churchill served another four years as Prime Minister.  He was 81 at the end of his term, and 91, when he died in 1965.

 As I’ve said before, I expect Trump to be a “shadow president” for the next four years.  Trump will be 78 in 2024, and the way he is aging, he’ll probably look 58.  I think that he’ll have another run in 2024, and if not, maybe groom one of the kids for the job.  They all have brains and charisma.  The boys may have to lose the beards, but Ivanka seems ready as she goes.

Ray Gruszecki
December 13, 2020

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