Saturday, December 12, 2020

Resistance to the Covid Vaccine


Resistance to the Covid Vaccine

 According to Pew Research, 60% of Americans would opt to take the anti-Covid virus vaccine.  Upwards of 40% would not.  It would be pretty difficult to attain herd immunity against the virus if 40% of the population refuses to be vaccinated.

 One has to ask, what the hell is wrong with so many Americans?  Presumably, in this demographic, sit the people who would rather have their kids die of childhood measles or mumps, rather than vaccinate them.  Also, in this demographic are probably the people that believe Nancy Pelosi’s derogatory comments about the emergent corona virus vaccines as being “Trump vaccines”, and not to take the shots.  This group most likely also comprises those that sit complacently and accept that joe Biden legally received 15 million more votes than Barrack Obama received when he won the presidency.

 Josef Goebbels of Nazi fame (or infame) would be proud of the propaganda effort expended by our American mainstream media, big tech, academia and entertainment industry, to brainwash the American public to their current, gullible, unthinking ovine state.  So many, presumably intelligent Americans are not only willing to reject a life-saving vaccine, they are willing to accept an illegal administration stemming from an illegal election, and are willing to be led toward an odious socialist/communist form of government, led by a figurehead political hack who has accomplished virtually nothing in his nearly 50 years in government.

 What a low point, and a truly sad, tragedy for our republic.

Ray Gruszecki
December 8, 2020

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