Friday, December 11, 2020

Biden Close to Winning


Biden Close to Winning


The election seems pretty much over, with the Biden/Harris democrat forces very close to winning.  Some wise biblical personage once said, “you get what you ask for”, and so it well may be for our poor, battered country.

 Without contesting Wisconsin (~20,000 votes), and Michigan (~120,000 votes), and assuming that the Fox and AP News call of Arizona for Biden is correct, Trump’s only path is to add to his 214 electoral votes as follows: PA, 20, (ahead 192,000); NC, 15, (ahead 77,000); GA, 16, (ahead 38,000); NV, 6, (behind 7,500); for a total of 271 electoral votes, while Biden would sit there with his 264.  The “ahead” and “behind” numbers don’t mean much in this corona virus “mail in” environment.

 Trump is behind in Arizona for its 11 electoral votes by ~80,000 votes, and the Trump people feel they still have a chance there.  Trump is asking for a recount in Wisconsin and Michigan. Also, Trump lawyers are claiming election fraud/seeding and contesting results and procedures in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, and although WI and MI have called for Biden, they are not a given.

 So far, republicans are down one in the senate, but are expected to retain control, with Mitch McConnell winning in Kentucky, and Lindsay Graham in South Carolina.  Republicans are up 6 (needed 17) in the house, so Pelosi, AOC + 3, & co. retain control

Ray Gruszecki
November 4, 2020

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