Friday, December 11, 2020

NBC Town Hall (Instead of Debate)




NBC Town Hall (Instead of Debate)

 Although I started out being quite skeptical of Trump early in his presidency based on my knowledge of him during my 20+ years working in Manhattan, I began to appreciate him more and more after seeing how 90% of the media, the Acela and Hollywood mavens and other urban elitists excoriated him, and how instead of accepting this opprobrium like the Bushes and other republican presidents many times did, he came right back at them, and gave as good, or better, than he got.  I still think he’s an a-hole, but he’s our a-hole.

 On the so-called NBC “town hall” last night, what did we expect from Savannah Guthrie of “Today” fame, a polite, softball session like Stephanopoulos gave Biden?  Nah, the interrupting, “lib-gal-splaining” that she did.

 Trump thrives on this sort of heated discourse, and he eats it up.  And he can shout and interrupt with the best of them, while making points that are mostly valid, if you listen through the noise.

 The virtual debate that Trump refused to do?  Let’s get serious.  Biden has already been given a pass by the media on questions that the electorate needs to know.  The implication is that we should have allowed Old Joe to read the debate from a computer, and allowed dishonest Steve Scully control Trump’s microphone.  What a resounding and honest debate that would have made!

 The election situation is much the same now as it was in 2016, with the odds and massive amounts of democrat money heavily stacked against Trump.  If anything, the situation is worse now, because the considerable massed forces of the left have failed to bring Trump down during the past 3 ½ years (and before), no matter what they have thrown at him, and they are pissed off.  He has always been a fighter, and not only with his loud mouth and sometimes inappropriate tweets.  He fights with everything at his disposal, - his family members, lawyers, the judicial system, the meager media backing that is not democrat propaganda, etc.

 The democrats have swung even further left in the political spectrum than George McGovern in 1972.  They have defined their disastrous goals for the country in the 110 page “manifesto” incorporating the socialist/communist principles of Bernie Sanders and AOC plus three, most of which is part of the 92-page official democrat party platform. The views expressed in these documents are omitted or glossed over in the rhetoric of Biden and Harris when they campaign, but they stand as testimony to the real aims of the democrats, - an authoritarian political and economic socialism pervading all aspects of our society.  Can you say Venezuela?  The following links refence the above documents.

 The democrat party platform:

 The Biden-Sanders Manifesto:

  If the electorate in this country has been as brainwashed by the massed media and political forces against the “great orange ogre”, as is being claimed by those same forces, we are on our way to becoming a American patriot and flag hating, race baiting, law enforcement and SCOTUS emasculating, mask wearing, high tax, globalist, warring, closed, socialist society based on identity politics.  These are never high-lighted in the Biden-Harris campaign rhetoric, but they are there in black and white in the above two foundation documents of the democrat party, and they are extant in the extremist voting record of Kamala Harris in the Senate.

 It's not enough for Trump to almost miraculously win the presidency again against these massed forces.  If he doesn’t (miraculously) carry the Senate and House with him, we’ll have more “churning in place”, rather than active government.  Maybe another impeachment attempt, and who knows what others treats for Trump can be conjured up by a democrat leadership that includes Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and James Clyburn.

 Again, I reiterate the hope that the quiet and reluctance of Trump supporters to participate in popular polls and discourse, the enthusiastic MAGA crowds at Trump rallies, and the proliferation of Trump signs noted by truckers all over  our “fly over country”, are harbingers of the same kind of populist, patriotic American movement that resulted in Trump’s victory in 2016.

Ray Gruszecki
October 16, 2020

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