Friday, December 11, 2020

Slow Joe


Slow Joe

 Even the most partisan American voter has to acknowledge that Joe Biden suffers from advancing senility.  It is increasingly obvious that Joe should be offered sympathy, and retired from too active a schedule.  His handlers realize this.  That’s why they have kept him in the basement, and offer only scripted questions and teleprompter answers when he does venture into the outside world.  He gets into trouble if there is any deviation from the script and the soft-ball questions.

 He repeatedly forgets the names of opponents and backers, thinks that he is running for the senate, and forgets what state or city he is in.  His sometimes short temper and inappropriate outbursts are further indicators of his diminishing mental abilities.  I’m an old guy myself, as are many of my friends, so I sympathize.  I sometimes can’t remember the name of that movie or actor, but thankfully, that’s as far as it goes.

 There are many reasons not to vote for Biden politically.  The democrats’ move to the radical left represented by Bernie Sanders and AOC, the left’s tacit approval of the violence in our streets, their emasculating of our law enforcement, their constant attempts to overthrow an elected president, and many other egregious abuses of our constitution and laws.

 But all of these democrat abuses notwithstanding, we simply cannot elect a senile, dysfunctional president like Biden, and let our republic fall into the hands of literally, a communist style politburo, that will effectively install a one-party system by changing the rules and increasing the size of the Senate and Supreme Court.  If we elect Biden and his radical left backers, we would be following the paths of Venezuela and many other failed socialist/communist states.

Ray Gruszecki
October 13, 2020

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