Friday, December 11, 2020

Nikola Tesla


Nikola Tesla

 Nikola Tesla was one of the most enigmatic characters in American science and popularity/notoriety.  It’s sad that his business acumen did not match his scientific inventiveness.

 He had eidetic memory, and spoke eight languages.  He invented radio, but Marconi stole it.  The invented alternating current, and effectively gave the patents away to George Westinghouse.  He was pioneer in x-ray technology, remote control, power transmission, and foresaw much of our modern world, including radio, Tv and the internet.  He died penniless because he was such a bad businessman, was altruistic and others, like Edison took advantage of him.

 His contributions to science, some of which, like wireless power transmission, were originally disparaged, are now acknowledged, like the New Zealand project. 

 The youtube link is 16 minutes long, and it has some commercial interruption, but it a pretty good thumbnail sketch of Tesla and his scientific accomplishments.  The other link is about Tesla actually inventing radio, for which Marconi got a Nobel prize.,transmissions%20in%20Germany%20in%201885.

Ray Gruszecki
September 18, 2020

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