Friday, December 11, 2020

Trump, Democrat and Republican Platforms and Biden-Sanders “Manifesto”


Trump, Democrat and Republican Platforms and Biden-Sanders “Manifesto”

 I understand that President Trump is not the most popular or likable of presidents to the general public because of his “in your face”, Queens, NY personality.  He lacks the silver-tongued oratorial elan of an Obama, or the glib, folksy personality of a Bill Clinton, or the somberness of an Eisenhower. 

 Trump says what he means in an abrasive, pragmatic, sometimes almost pugilistic, manner of a New York City real estate developer, and embellishes and brags a lot.  Sometimes, he’s “off the wall”, in his unedited commentary and tweets, and sometimes he outright lies to make his point.  Altogether, on the surface, not a very nice character, or a nice boss.

 The one characteristic that makes him a successful leader, (in spite of the tear-downs and character assassination by his massed and biased opposition), is his tenacity and drive to win, and to do what he says he’ll do.  He also has an avowed, unwavering love of this country. Another, unadvertised and little-known characteristic is his generosity in helping people in need without being asked, and without publicity.  Many unsolicited examples abound.

 I have not always been a Trump fan during my 20+ years working in Manhattan, and I’m not always a big fan now.  His rhetoric and tweets can sometimes be downright disturbing.  But as pretty much a life-long republican, and not a RINO, I currently back Trump against the democrat-socialists, that would make this country a dystopian Venezuela, or increasingly, a burning, smoking and feces covered California, which is that way because of democratic/socialist mismanagement.

 I cannot understand how a goodly portion of the American people, as reflected in the polls, can back the current democrat party, which refuses to condemn Marxist and anarchist riots and violence in our streets, characterizes them as “peaceful protests”, and which promotes a revolutionary take-over of our police, justice system and government.

 It seems that either the polls are wrong and there are a lot more MAGA hats out there, or 50 years of pro-socialist schooling has had its effect in indoctrinating large numbers of our population.  Hopefully, these destructive aspects of socialism, which seem to condone violence, emanate from a small vociferous, part of our society, and not Nixon’s “silent majority”.  But when we see vaunted leaders of the congressional democrats voicing the same toxic, Marxist, and almost Trotskyite, principles, these is cause for worry.

 Like many Americans, I fear for my country.  Unlike the identity politics promulgated by the left-wing democratic/socialists that fosters division and segregation, I believe that we are all Americans with the same rights and opportunities.  It doesn’t matter if we are White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native or any other ethnicity, - we are all Americans. To try to hold fourth and fifth generation Americans or more recent Americans responsible for historical wrongs, of 200-400 years ago, (a la the NYT 1619 project), is ridiculous and justifies further divisions.

 I believe in American exceptionalism.  It’s why people from all over the world want to come here and become Americans.  I believe in capitalism, the system that has massively improved the lot of people all over the world.  These are all things that the leftist democrats and their media allies want to destroy and replace with the same socialism that has been responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people during the twentieth century.

 The Biden-Harris political platform follows the “manifesto” agreed to between their campaign, and socialists Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  These are the relevant links for veracity.  They are lengthy.  If the democrats are elected and they follow this platform and “manifesto”, they will destroy our beloved country.

 Democrat Platform

 Platform and position of the republican party –,_2020

Biden-Sanders Manifesto

 Ray Gruszecki

September 16, 2020

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