Monday, December 21, 2020

The China Virus as a Weapon?


The China Virus as a Weapon?

 If I were a Machiavellian member of the ruling Chinese communist party, and I wanted to accelerate China’s economic and military capabilities to more rapidly gain on the United States and the European Union, what would be an efficacious approach?

 Oh, I know.  Let’s release a debilitating novel virus from our experimental laboratory at Wuhan, don’t tell the rest of the world, hunt down and kill off any of our population that contract it, and blame it on the Americans and Trump.  If they don’t believe that the American military did it, we can always say that it spread from a bat, and if that’s challenged, we can reluctantly admit that it was accidently released from the Wuhan facility by a careless worker.

 Since we can essentially kill off the virus spread within China, we can get on with our world expansion, - in the South China Sea, with our “Belt and Road Initiative” takeover of developing counties’ infrastructure, with our space efforts on the moon and Mars, - and in the cyber workings of our competitors.

 Too far out? Conspiracy theory?  It can’t be proven, but the CCP are not moral and ethical rulers.  They may be need to be market oriented to remain economically viable, but they are communists, and they follow Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin in their revolutionary aims to dominate the world. So, the cynical side of me does not put it beyond the realm of possibility that the Chinese communists weaponized the Civid-19 virus to take advantage of the resulting chaos in the rest of the world, to further their own ends and advance economically and militarily.

 President Trump saw the Chinese for what they are, our main competitors and antagonists. He balanced trade with China and stopped playing the economic “sucker” to the Chinese as previous administrations had done.  Of course, that will now be completely undone by the “Biden crime family’s” cozy relationship with China.  And unfortunately, as a result, China may very well, not only catch the West, but surpass us in economic and military strength, thanks to Biden and the Obama retreads.

Ray Gruszecki
December 21, 2020

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