Friday, December 11, 2020

The Puppet and the Puppeteers


The Puppet and the Puppeteers

 The self-proclaimed “puppet-elect” has been told by his puppeteers to read displeasure from his tele-prompters that the Trump administration has not allowed them to take credit and participate in distributing the “warp speed” Covid vaccines to the American public.  Because, in keeping with their normal hypocrisy, after blaming Trump for the virus and the deaths, and calling it the “Trump virus”, they would now like to be seen as the saviors of humanity by distributing the millions of vaccine doses made possible by the Trump administration’s actions.

 I cannot adequately express my disgust at the rank hypocrisy, dishonesty, unfairness and illegality of the leftists and their democrat minions.  After over four years of continued attempts by any and all means possible, to remove Trump, a duly elected president from office, does any rational thinker find it unreasonable that election results in major, democrat, Trump-hating cities, were seeded, (with the help of election software and hardware), with masses of 100% Biden votes in the middle of election night to swing the swing states to Biden? 

 It seems unlikely that “America’s Mayor” Rudy Giuliani, and notable legal figures like Sidney Powell, Jenna Ellis, Joe DiGenova and others would present false results at a press conference.  They confirmed that they have sworn affidavits from numerous election officials about vote seeding, illegal procedures and other discrepancies on election night.  They also questioned the efficacy of some of the hardware and software used during the election.

 Discussing these illegal procedures in a press conference is one thing.  Proving it in a short time frame, in an antagonistic, biased legal system, is another.  And, assuming that this sort of fraud took place, the perpetrators are smart enough to have planned their cover rigorously enough not to get caught legally so that results could be disputed and thrown to the house.

 So, unfortunately, we most likely are going to be stuck with a puppet as president, with his puppeteers arguing about how far left they should push him.  Some may think this is uncharitable to Joe Biden because he’s a “nice guy”, but his past 47 years in Washington, and his current drift toward senility support it.  Biden has never been very creative.  He has been the “politician’s politician”, always bending the way the political winds blow.  Some say “he is dumb as a post”.  Obama refers to Joe “f—ing things up”.  And now at age 78, it is sad to see his attempts at even simple and easy extemporaneous exchanges without a pre-print or a teleprompter.

 Trump may be a controversial personality, but he has done a lot of good for our country.  Unfortunately, Biden’s puppeteers will undo a lot of it with executive orders.  Immediate examples – rejoin the Paris “climate cabal”, where we pay, and China, India, Russia continue to pollute; revive the Iran nuclear deal, to the detriment of Israel and our emergent Sunni Arab allies: rejoin WHO, run by the China communists, who gave us Covid and killed millions; increase cheap trade with China and lose American jobs.  And on and on and on.

 The full coteries of “swamp creatures” and the administrative state will return and continue the Obama/Biden syndrome - identity politics, higher taxes, slow growth, high unemployment, and stifling regulation.  Only the senate will be there to curtail the drift to socialism (Georgia willing).

Ray Gruszecki
November 20, 2020

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