Friday, December 11, 2020

Factors in the Election


Factors in the Election

 It’s almost déjà vu with 2016 at the polls, vis-à-vis the enthusiasm at the Trump rallies.  The enthusiasm for Biden is abysmal, and much less than for Hillary in 2016.

 The way I see it, there are a couple of differences that are important for this election that were not there in 2016.

 Corona Virus.  This is a big deal with just about everyone in the country.  What the democrats and their media propagandists have done is to try to blame President Trump for the virus and the deaths, and sweep the original democrat yowls of “xenophobe, racist, etc.”, under the rug, when Trump shut down travel to China and Europe early in 2020.  Then, after Trump got the governors to shut most of the country’s economy down because his scientific advisors did not know what else to do, the democrats blamed Trump for the resultant economic downturn and unemployment.  The leftist base ate this up, and many gullible hurting Americans drank the dishonest democrat-socialist KoolAid.

 Nice Guy.  Joe Biden is not as heartily disliked as Hillary Clinton was in 2016.  Aided by the propagandist media, Joe has cultivated an image of being a “nice guy”, and a buddy of the corrupt, but ever media-popular Barrack Obama.  Revelations about the “play for pay” corruption of the Bidens, including Joe himself, have been censored by big tech social media, and ignored by the Biden media propaganda machine. 

 Trump doesn’t “play nice”.  Trump is primarily a businessman, and not a politician, and upsets both the Washington administrative state, and many foreign “friends” who were remiss in their NATO support payments.  Criticism abounds, and, of course is magnified by the media that hates him, and is nowhere near fair and honest toward him.

 Race Relations.  There has been a continuing crusade by the left that we are a “systemic racist” country.  Marxist organization like “Black Lives Matter” have perverted valid civil rights protests against several egregious, but anecdotal killings of blacks, into a populist national movement backed by a majority of Americans who are not even aware of the Trotskyite origins and aims of the group.  Antifa, another Marxist inspired violent group, has added another dimension of organized street violence.  With this as background, Trump’s enemies have painted him as “racist” and “white supremacist”, by falsifying and distorting his comments and taking them completely out of context.

 Healthcare.  “Obamacare”, or “The Affordable Care Act” has been a cost and effectiveness disaster for many people, but it has provided at least some form of health coverage for some.  The Trump administration wants to eliminate the ACA, but other than bromides, has not really proposed a definitive replacement.  There is a major case to be heard at the SCOTUS on November 10, 2020, that the democrats have seized upon as doing away with healthcare for 20+ million people, and other horrendous impacts.  This is more election rhetoric.  The case is much more complex, with multiple intermediate outcomes.

 Money.  The democrats substantially out-raised the republicans during the campaign, and also have more cash on hand. Democrats, total raised - $1,388,385,451; cash on hand - $236,226,055.

Republicans, total raised - $858,867,392; cash on hand - $73,810,693.  These numbers are per the Open Secrets Organization.  The democrats are outspending the republicans by over half a billion dollars, and currently have over $160 million more to spend than the republicans.  They have been running ads rather than Joe Biden doing personal campaigning.  Trumps campaigning has been almost frenetic by comparison, with three and sometimes four rallies in different cities in one day.

 Enthusiasm. Crowds for the few events Biden has held have been abysmal.  They have been small even for Obama, once he started campaigning for Biden.  Trump’s rallies have been massive.  As many as 20,000 people attend the event with sometimes nearly as many trying to get in.  This is reminiscent of Trump in 2016.

 The debates.  The first debate was marked by aggressiveness and interruptions on both sides, more by Trump than Biden.  The consensus was that Trump was too aggressive, even though his interruptions were to counter Biden’s lies.  Trump scored big in the second debate by acting more presidential, and pinning Biden on several crucial issues, - energy, oil and fracking; Joe’s role in his “pay for play” family corruption; Joe’s stance on shutting down the economy due to Covid.

 Trump’s message highlights “America First”, love of country, strong economy, strong borders, strong law enforcement, end of debilitating foreign wars, decreased taxes, decreased restrictions, true adherence to the Bill of Rights, a constitutionally based Supreme Court, continuing enactment of American Federalism.

 Biden is representing himself as “nice guy, middle road, Scranton Joe” in the general election, after reaching a deal with Bernie and AOC plus three, to be chosen in the democrat primary.  Whatever Biden vocalizes and lies about in this campaign, the deal he reached stands in the published 110 page “Bernie Manifesto”, and in the 92 page democrat party platform.  Both of these latter define the democrat-socialist “green new deal” and other massive socialist restructuring of our republic.  Biden, and the people backing him, have forgotten that although socialism simplistically stresses its altruist features at first, socialism never works, and has never worked in practice, anywhere in the world.

 The battle lines are clear.

 Biden and the democrats: - Hatred and abhorrence of Trump because he is flamboyant, unconventional, unapologetic for his patriotism, has upset the national administrative state, and the conventional international world order.  The democrat-socialists want a true revamp of our country, its constitution and institutions into a government-heavy oligarchic, one party rule that pervades all aspects of our lives. Venezuela and the electrical power situation in still (but not for long) wealthy California can be cited as examples.  Continued lock-downs and slow implementation of vaccines,  House hold-up of stimulus package?

 Trump and the republicans: - (Assumes House and Senate are compliant).  Defeat and wipe out the corona virus through rapid deployment of vaccines using military and all resources. Fast track stimulus package.  Dismantle inefficient ACA health Plan, and replace with a complete and robust plan.  Further tax decreases.  Further Middle East peace initiatives – bring in Saudi Arabia and other major Arab powers.  Advantageous trade deals with China and others.  Stop the violence in the streets, using National, Guard or military.  Complete the southern wall.  Enfranchise “Dreamers”. Pass proper immigration law.

Ray Gruszecki
October 25, 2020

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