Friday, December 11, 2020

I Am Not “Woke”


I Am Not “Woke”

 I am not “Woke”.  I am not part of the “cancel” culture.  I do not replace spiritual belief with a secular, “political correctness”.  I do not define and discriminate for and against people and groups based on “identity politics” and “intersectionality”.  I am not a socialist, and have learned through long life and experience the dangers and corrosive nature of socialism, and its big brother, communism.

 I am a patriotic conservative republican, and probably more libertarian than most conservatives.

I support the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our other founding documents.  I respect our flag and national anthem, and even in my age, stand at attention when our anthem is played. 

 I, and roughly 70 million like me who voted for President Trump, are not massing in our city streets to riot, burn down buildings, establish “autonomous zones” and cause mayhem because our candidate did not win the election.  There are no “proud boys” or “boogaloos” with Molotov cocktails in the streets, like the Marxist Antifa and BLM’s when Trump was elected.

 And that’s one reason why I stay mostly republican in my politics.  Because we are responsible people who believe in law and order, rather than the mob.  We believe in the Constitution and the enlightenment principles it represents.  We are citizens of our country, not part of a mob trying to bring it down.  We are not, and we do not believe that the country is systemically racist as the Marxists claim.  We believe that racial and other discrimination should be identified and stamped out, and we believe that society is accomplishing this without the necessity of violence in our streets.  We believe in the equality of ALL Americans. We do not isolate our fellow Americans into sub-groups for special privileges or denunciation.

 So, no, I did not vote for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their progressive accomplices, who would denigrate much of what I hold dear as a patriotic American.  I did not particularly relish the controversy that President Trump brought to our presidency either, but truth be told, his sworn enemies, as outlined in the first paragraph, never gave him a chance.

 Trump is a fighter, and his belligerence stems from the Acela, big media, big money, big tech, academia, Hollywood, and other societal forces, which was massed against him from the very start.  He still accomplished a lot, in spite of the “woke”, “politically correct” cultural wave against him.

 At least the so-called “progressives”, who would make our country socialist were roundly defeated, (or hopefully will be after Georgia’s senate run-off).  With control of the senate, and with the house majority diluted, really “wild” socialist legislation can be held off.  Biden and his backers can do a lot of damage with executive orders, but these do not have the imprimatur of legislation.

 Biden can rejoin the Paris Climate Control Accords, where heavy environmental financial responsibilities fall on the U.S., while the real, world polluters, China, India, Russia, Indonesia continue to pollute.  He could undo the economic and nuclear isolation of Iran, to the detriment of Israel, our other emergent Arab allies and to the rest of the world.  He could loosen Trump’s strong trade agreements with China, thereby losing American jobs, once again, to China.  And he could undo the Middle East peace agreements currently emergent in that area. 

 There’s much more harm that determined leftists can accomplish in the next 2-4 years.  I don’t expect much creative to come from Joe Biden himself, other than talk, talk, talk.  He was dumb as a post for 47 years, never really accomplished anything, and as Obama himself opined, managed to f—k up what he did touch.

 His handlers are another matter.  Many of them are “democrat socialist”, very alt-left, and quite astute.  How smart they are is evidenced by how they got Joe into the presidency on only two major points “hate Trump” and “blame Trump for the virus and the deaths.”  Other than that, they told Joe, “stay in your basement, and let the massed biased mainstream media, big tech money and algorithms, academia and Hollywood, carry the message for you.  The electorate, particularly the young ones, are gullible and stupid.”  And it worked “orange man bad”, Joe in basement, good”.

 To be honest, I think that Joe is a bumbling old man approaching senility, wanting to appear kindly.  Wanting to be like liked.   He is certainly no Trump, and no threat on his own.  It would be nice if he were the “kindly old grandad, watching out for his kids”.  But watch his backers.  They are not kindly, senile, old men.  Many are socialist and, yes, communist operatives that would transform this country into what they think is a “social justice utopia”.  Unfortunately, the model for this “utopia” lies a little to the south of us.  It’s called Venezuela.

Ray Gruszecki
November 9, 2020

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