Friday, December 11, 2020

They Brought him Down


They Brought him Down

 Well, after nearly five years of trying, they finally “got Trump”.  It’s all over but the shouting, and IMHO, the shouting, legal or otherwise, Giuliani, recounts and all, are not about to accomplish anything like getting Trump the presidency for the next four years.

 There will be legal claims of voter fraud and seeding the ballots in the big democrat run cities like Atlanta, Detroit and Philadelphia, and anecdotal examples of ballot tampering, losses and other infractions.  All for naught.  The mail-in voting system was designed by those same democrats to help bring down Trump, and that’s what they did.  At this point, ain’t nobody gonna undo it.

 Although not officially announced at this writing, Joe Biden is 99.99% sure of being the next president.  Those more stoic of us just chalk it up as another cruel joke from the year 2020.

We are not going to riot in the streets.  We are not going to tear our clothes or wring our hands.  We are going to work within the new system to mitigate the effects of incipient socialism.

 Some say that Trump brought it on himself by his abrasive personality and pugnacity.  I suppose that’s true to some extent.  The point is that he was not willing to just accept the pummeling dished out by the biased media.  Unlike some of his predecessors, he fought back, sometimes with admittedly inappropriate tweets.

 Keeping Joe Biden out of sight, the media campaign of “hate Trump” and “blame him for the corona virus”, backed with massive amounts of Acela and big tech money, coupled with censorship of Trump’s accomplishments and the Biden family’s “play for pay” scandals, are what really defeated Trump. The voter fraud from mail-in voting is just the “icing on the cake”.

 I’ve been writing here about our beloved United States of America, although it reads as if this were some half-assed, ill-conceived, banana republic, where the old “Pravda” or Venezuela’s “Ultimas Noticias” disseminates the edicts of one-party rule.  Because that’s where we are.  Our younger people have been educated into socialism and taught by our biased, elitist media to hate our country because it is systemically racist.

 The oligarchic one-party democrat arbiters of society’s morals, ethics and mores, aided by such media outlets as the “New York Times”, the “Washington Post”, the “Atlantic”, and most TV outlets, dictate what we will think, and the rules that we will live by.  Not to even mention the harm that they will do to our country by making it once again subservient to the progressive global order.

 It’s not time for sour grapes in response to all of the bias, dishonesty and chicanery of the leftists.  It’s time to use the tools that our founders established to ensure that the country doesn’t go completely to a Venezuelan style dystopia.  Control of the senate is important because it is a stop to many socialist programs.  The executive can do a lot of temporary damage with executive orders, but most of these can be undone.  So, we do the best we can, and look toward 2022 and 2024.

Ray Gruszecki
November 6, 2020

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